Relato deveras ilustrativo e quiçá pormenorizado de uma estadia de exactamente 9 meses, 16 dias, 6 horas, 56 minutos e um número sem dúvida interessante de segundos e seus submúltiplos nos arredores da bela cidade de Platteville do 30º estado dos pequenos e nada importantes para a economia mundial Estados Unidos da América - Wisconsin - com recurso às mais diversas ferramentas de informação, comunicação e tal, de modo a transmitir, informar acerca de, comunicar, contar, dar a conhecer (e outros sinónimos destes últimos), da melhor forma possível e sem cometer falácias que prejudiquem a inteligibilidade do texto, as peripécias de um jovem português exilado num programa de intercâmbio cultural.

ou (traduzido por miúdos)


ou ainda (traduzido por miudinhos mesmo mesmo piquenos)

O meu (espantástico) ano nos EUA!!

terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2011

So many things to tell you...

Hey! What's up? I'm sorry for not having written in portuguese this last week but it was a very busy one... So now you get everything in a row. (yes uncle, I know I should put smaller posts at each time but today I have to spit it all out otherwise I'll get late and then it'll be difficult to remember everything...).

I have lot of new stuff to tell you!! Besides having had a 2 days Pre-Calc test, having written a short story about the sky being blue ("? Is this guy going wacky or something?" I'm not, but thanks for asking), having done a (BRILLIANT, or maybe not) Principles of Engineering project that worked perfectly (at least until the teacher turned and walked away...uf...), having played Frisbee in PE (it's sounds weird, doesn't it? lol) and many other cute things like Chemistry quizzes, Biology worksheets and English essays, I've joined....the Cross Country Team...! And it is really cool!!

But before this...I had to have a physical done...and there's nothing to say about it except that the doctor...was a woman...but she "didn't"... Thank God...

Well, anyway, Cross Country practices are very tough...of course now I get home later so it's more difficult to have everything done and still write here in the blog... My legs never hurt so much in the last 17 years of my life - basically, as I am 17, they NEVER hurt so bad. But it is a good feeling... And I had my first meet after 3 days of practice...! The Janesville Midwest Invitational with teams from 4 different states - Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Texas. I didn't do very good but having had only those few days of practice it's...satisfactory...5K (3.1M) in 24min08sec. I must say I'm proud and I'm happy (and tired, but never mind this part...aha). I made a lot of new friends and I'm really glad that one of guys told the coach I was going to Cross Country before I decided to and that he came to me all jolly and stuff about I going to his sport and that then I couldn't say no...ahah. And...I have pictures...! Hurray!! Looking at my agenda...the next available date to post them June 2013. Seems good to you guys...? I hope it does...

Now, I have something to tell my ex-English teacher back in Portugal... Mrs. Callahan (my current English teacher) told us we were going to speak to one of the actors of the Shakespeare play at her class last Thursday. However, the guy came earlier and left earlier so we ended up by not getting to hear him. So, in the next day, she brought some popcorn to class. This is something to remember for future occasions...eheh.

Other than that I went to a high school football game on Friday...and it was freeeeeeeezing...but of course we won (it's Platteville High...what else? :D ) and on Sunday...the Bears lost (again...) with the Packers...this is what makes me sad...but anyway, at least my SLB is on top...

Also, on Sunday, it was Juanita's birthday and, after Church (which featured the testimony of some Baptist missionaries that went to Indonesia and managed to convert a completely isolated tribe, who only believed in evil spirits and whose language was just oral; it was a pretty amazing story: they got there and started to help them in health care - the children mortality was close to 85%, then they got there trust and started to be accepted; they learned the language and eventually put it in writing and taught the indigenous the writing of their own language; finally, they talked about God to them and now there are about 60 baptized just 4 years...and people say there are no miracles...), we went to Pizza Hut, where a friend of mine is working and it was kind of awkward... Afterwards, at home, we went shooting clay pidgeons (little disks thrown in the air that simulate birds) and it was great!! Finally I hit something with a gun ahah, it's a dream come true...!

Today my day at school was not very tough...we did some reviewing in Biology for the test tomorrow...we made up a story step by step in CW (and each step was added by a different person) - and just so you know we started with a guy waking up thirsty and a horde of demoniacal chipmunks burned in a house in flames... - and we went to the auditorium in Guided Study to hear some people talking about donating blood. I must say I found really funny when they said: "Before you donate you should eat healthy...Well, if you do it in the afternoon you'll have eaten at school, so...". Cmon...! That is NOT healthy, Mrs. all...ehe.

Well, now it's time to get to bed. I have another X-Country meet tomorrow and I need to have a good strength-restorative night...oh, that's right and I have a Biology test about "THE CELL"... lool

I'll talk to you soon, my friends.
Cya ;)

4 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido por um gestor do blogue.

  2. Wow, you told a lot! And, your English is good, too!

  3. Mau, mau…
    Então, agora, além de escreveres só em “amaricano” decidiste “censurar” os textos do “Pai”?
    Estamos perante um conflito de gerações ou foi por causa daquela boquinha ao Obama?
    Não te esqueças que estás na terra da “liberdade”…
    Um abraço
    P.S.: Vê lá se arranjas um pouquinho de tempo para colocar umas fotos no Picasa…

  4. eu acho q é mais o conflito de gerações...n quero dizer idoso mas...o pai está meio datado ehehe.
    eu vou ver se trato disso um destes dias.
