Relato deveras ilustrativo e quiçá pormenorizado de uma estadia de exactamente 9 meses, 16 dias, 6 horas, 56 minutos e um número sem dúvida interessante de segundos e seus submúltiplos nos arredores da bela cidade de Platteville do 30º estado dos pequenos e nada importantes para a economia mundial Estados Unidos da América - Wisconsin - com recurso às mais diversas ferramentas de informação, comunicação e tal, de modo a transmitir, informar acerca de, comunicar, contar, dar a conhecer (e outros sinónimos destes últimos), da melhor forma possível e sem cometer falácias que prejudiquem a inteligibilidade do texto, as peripécias de um jovem português exilado num programa de intercâmbio cultural.

ou (traduzido por miúdos)


ou ainda (traduzido por miudinhos mesmo mesmo piquenos)

O meu (espantástico) ano nos EUA!!

domingo, 30 de outubro de 2011

Two very busy weeks - Part 1

Well, if you read my last post, you probably know that one of my host-sisters (Jennifer), her husband Adam and her three kids (Seth, Hanna and Ashton) were here for the weekend (the 10/15 weekend eheh :p). Therefore, and as you can fancy, it was a very very busy weekend...

It started with an early rise...Yes, 7 a.m. on a Saturday is VERY early for me... But Mateo and I did that with the best of intentions...! The night before Joy (my host mom) had told us the kids usually woke up at 6:30 and she was going to make pancakes, so if we wanted any we should be up around 7... The problem was we woke up and...the house was silent...we looked all over, no signs of life, no lights on, nothing... Suddenly we head the door: Joy was coming in from the backyard... We rushed to her and, perhaps almost rudely, as anyone who just woke up with the one intention of filling his belly, we asked "So where are the pancakes?"... The kids hadn't woken up pancakes...we went back to bed. At 9 a.m. we are woken up again, this time by Joy herself and not just by out eagerness for good stuff, with and bad... Good: Pancakesssss! Bad: grandkids upppp...The pancakes were actually pretty good and the grandkids' behavior was actually pretty bad so we're good clairvoyants...

Right after breakfast, and with some latin lateness, we went with the rest of the family to the Main Street of Platteville were we watched the University's Homecoming Parade on the theme "Where in the world is UW-Platteville" and it was quite fun. During the parade Mateo and I went for the first time to the famous coffee shop Badger Brothers but it didn't go very well...we grabbed someone else's hot chocolate by mistake and left...when we got outside I took a sip of mine and thought to myself it tasted like chocolate...and I had ordered a Caramel Latte (or something like that)...well, eventually we found out those weren't our cups...luckily the lady didn't mind and just made them again for the other person that didn't understand why everything was taking so long.... :) And with all this, we missed the Platteville High School Band who played in the parade. Oh well...

When it all ended we went back home, where a hard-working Joy had lunch ready. We had lunch and the rest of the day was spent in a peaceful rest...or maybe not...the kids ran around throwing cars and dolls and stuff at the floor and rest or concentration weren't possible.... The only solution was to watch the Badgers. And that's what we did.

On Sunday, nothing special happened. I went to both churches again and I spent the afternoon trying to finish everything I had procrastinated on Saturday...and I went Bowling...they called it a Pre-Cast Party (musical stuff) and it was supposed to bond us...but not a whole lot of people showed up...:p Luckily the kids left that night - they were very nice and very funny but I had a giant two-day long headache...

The week after started with some terrible news... Another host sister (Julie) was going to come with Matt, her husband, and the kids Simon, Hudson and Alivia on Thursday... We didn't even want to think about it... As they were coming, we stayed in the basement - there was no point in moving back up if we had to move back down again in four days and that place was really cold - it had no heating... We spent some troubled nights there... I had never thought I could be so cold inside of a house...!

Anyway, the week was one more normal week with tons of homework and some little quizzes (including a Spelling Bee of the Elements for Chemistry...not that simple, my friends...I don't know who was the brilliant mind that decided that Beryllium would be written with a Y in English...). The rehearsals for the musical continued and on Thursday and Friday with did all the blocking (the acting part and the positions on stage); I finally made up for one of the voice lessons from Choir that I had simply forgot in the beginning of the year...don't ask...Alzheimer probably...; the Pre-Calc lessons continue to be veeeeery funny - partly because everyone is using parts of this video ahah; in Creative Writing we started listening to different songs (each person had to choose two) to write three music reviews about; in Team Sports we did a quiz on Soccer...very very difficult... who would say that hitting the ball with your head is called a Head? Hmm...; the fun part in Biology just started - now we're learning about the Integumentary system so we're looking at various different types of tissue and talking about skin and everything related to it; my (and Sarah's - the other group member) POE car moved by a hydrogen fuel cell won the race we did among all the cars; on Thursday as my knee was better I went running with Maggie and Cagla (tow friends of mine) and we ran for about 50 minutes - they're practicing for the Half Marathon - and it was a pretty long run! It felt good - I think we should all run ehe; and on Friday before the rehearsal for the musical I had one more Spaghetti Supper for Cross Country (although the season is over for people who aren't Varsity we still get to eat...!) this time at the Philip's house...and what a house...! Volleyball and basketball courts, trampoline, like three hundred bikes, drums, guitars and basses (it is where the band of some friends of mine practices), Ping-Pong, Foosball...and very good food...!

By the end of the week, the kids were already here and they weren't even comparable to the others one's... The little girl Alivia had some suspicious need to hit people and stuff (they should probably start supplying themselves with paint to repaint the walls - several times - during her adolescence...) but in general they were much calmer than the others and they were so sweet - every night before going to bed they would say goodbye to everyone and then go and hug each person, one by one...

That weekend wasn't going to be good...I had about 140 pages of a book to read for a book report due on Monday...thank God the kids were well-behaved... Anyway, it was my fault that I had to read so much... It's the old saying whose advice I never take:

"Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today."

quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011

I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm....

I'm later than that obsessive-compulsive Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland...and that is difficult...!

I haven't even told you anything about the Homecoming Dance yet...!

So, let's ust skip the intro and just get right to the point.

As I was telling you, on Saturday (the 8th...uf...) I had to wake up at 5 because I had a Cross Country meet at Albany. After a very nice sleeping trip - and yes, I was (kind of) ready when the guy came to pick me up at home - we got there and this time JV (Junior Varsity, my category - Varsity is only the Top 7 runners) ran first so we almost immediately started warming up (and I did it too...! In the Platteville Invitational they didn't know where I was and just started it without me...and I had to do it all by myself...snif, snif...). The race didn't go very well... I didn't PR, I started the kick too late and my knee misbehaved...a lot...but it's ok...some days are better than others. It was a tough course anyway and I still got close to the guy that is always in front of me, which is good. 

When our race was over we got to see some beast running...and with beasts I don't mean bulls or giant horses...I mean crazy blond people who finish 400m ahead of every one else...God was inspired on their birthday... 

Well to help me forget my sadness (:p), I received some very good I told you already: I got one of the main parts in the musical...! But I'll explore that later on... And more, our CC team won 2nd place in JV Boys, Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys, which was pretty good...! 

We got back home at about 3 o'clock and some friends were picking me up for the Homecoming Dance at 6...and I was sooooooo tired... I tried to rest as much as I could but people were always asking me to do stuff and then I talked to my dear old folks and...well, eventually I didn't rest anything, I...let's say...prevented my knee from hurting during the rest of the day and (as any decent guy) I got dressed in about 20 minutes - and only because I couldn't find my tie...! How did I look? If I put pictures, you would know, right? In the meantime just go to Facebook. I love you too.

So, Emma Cleveland and Arianna picked me up and we headed to a place called Katie's Garden, where my unnamed date was waiting, along with the rest of out group. There we took some (and this is an understatement...) pictures - in many of which I seemed like I was in a highly advanced stage of psychotropic substances intoxication, but let's not talk about that... Some people are photogenic...I have other virtues... - and afterwards we left and went to a place named Steve's Pizza. We waited for centuries (and I had to answer this ton of nice questions about things we have and don't have in "Yes, we have running water" "No, of course we don't use oil lamps...!" etc.) until the guy decided to ask us if we were waiting...Emma said her name and he said: "Oh, your table has been ready for more than an hour...! I don't know why my colleague didn't call you..."...Sure, this is so normal, Mr. Whatever Your Name Is... The owners were Greek...! I expected more...harmony... in the service... but I guess they left it in Antiquity... Anyway, when we finally got seated, Stephanie and I asked for some chicken strips (other people asked for other stuff) and the pizza was to be divided by all of us so we didn't get to say anyhting about that. While we were waiting I showed everyone some Portuguese music using someone's DumbPhone - the stupid thing didn't let me use YouTube normally... - and of course they all liked it...! And I didn't even have to threaten them not to speak to them again! It was unbelievable! Then, eventually, we got our food...but the girls who asked for the pizza, asked for an XL for all FOURTEEN  of us...thank God I asked for the Yes, I forgot to mention but, for those of you who haven't seen me in a long time, I am now 6'1'' tall and weigh 158 pounds (Yes!! Finally I found a good chance to show my recently-acquired knowledge of the English system aha)... I was so hungry... How was I supposed to dance with no sugar in my bloodstream...?? And worse...! I turned my back for a moment to do something and when I looked again, my date (by now you probably know her name...) had paid part of our dinner and I was like..."C'mon...!"...but the other girls didn't help me and that was the first awkward thing of that evening...the second one was a guy being driven by his date to the, it should be the oher way around but obviously it couldn't be never again (until Prom, of course aha).

The Dance itself was great! Everyone said it was the best Homecoming Dance ever...don't wanna be cocky but they had never had a Portuguese guy before,'s pretty obvious...ehe. The Portuguese know how to party...!

My knee didn't bother me so I could dance whatever I wanted to, and I did. Not quite the music we dance to in Portugal, but cool, too. Again "Don't Stop Believing", a really nice Irish-like song (Borges, this one was for you :D ) and some other good stuff. The problem was...Grinding...absolutely disgusting...and lines and lines of people rubbing against each other...if you want to know the definition just google's too rude to say here... I even wrote a sarcastic Ode to it, that I sent to the a Creative Writing Festival today...! But it's really a horrible thing... Anyway, not everyone danced like that and in a specific song, I, with the only intention of joking around, did a little bit of what all of you guys are pro's in: Tectonic. And my friends were like: "WOW! That's great...!" and so now they made me say I would learn some more of it and do it in Prom...Conclusion: I'm doomed...

The night ended up OK, with the announcement of the King and Queen of the Dance and some more pictures...whatever...just take them...right guys? We can't really do anything about it ehe. The Queen (Cagla Muslu) is in Cross Country with me and sure enough every single time I walk passed her, I bow and I say "Long Live The Queen"...! (and afterwards watch her get all blushed, run after me and try to kill me :p).

Mateo and I got home late and the next day...Mass at 9 a.m. But what a man's gotta do, a man's gotta do. And the next morning there I went to hear that nice imperceptible Spanish priest talking... The day was kind of calm...lots of homework, as usual... And the Bears played their rivals - the Packers - and lost...and whatever...SLB rules and go Soccer! :p

Last week, was very tiring...Chemistry test, Biology test, Pre-Calc Test, English test, Cross Country practices and meet, POE Hydrogen Fuel Cell Project, first rehearsals for the Musical, Soccer in Team Sports class...etc. etc. etc. The tests went pretty good actually. So far, easy enough (most things I learned already back home).

On Monday, we had our first rehearsal for the Musical. It is called "All Shook Up" and it features Elvis Presley's songs. It is going to be awesome! I am Dean ( a boy from the military school) in love with Lorraine (a girl whose mom owns a soda shop) and so of course we can't be together (awww...:p)). Can't give you anymore details except that (for those of you who understand music) I will have to sing a high B in a solo...Good Lord... Anyway, we started with a dance rehearsal (oh and I discovered the coreographer is the father of my lover in the not very good...eheh) and the dancing part is so cool but so difficult...I'll do it..eventually...I think... The choir part is not very easy either..the play is very choral and the critics who saw the school's Musical last year (yes, there is something like the Oscar's called the Tommy Awards for high school musical's and there are guys watching our show and then making a report about it and possibly then giving awards) said they had a problem with the choir's gonna be tough this year. I'll keep you up to date :). (and there is going to be a Playbook with our Bios' and, as I thought it would be too boring and I had Mrs. Armstrong - the teacher -' s authorization, I tried to do the most hilarious ever aha. Let's see what she thinks...)

Tuesday was an awful day - I'm just gonna ignore it. :)

Wednesday, on the contrary, was a great day...! And why? Because (and just because) classes finished at 12:40!'s so good to go home earlier... I'll explain: I dont really get why, but the fisrt Wednesday of each month is an Early-Release Day, so some classes switch places and they are all only one half-hour long, so that all is finished (uh..this sounded biblical...! ehe) just a little bit before one o'clock. And to take advantage of this day what could be better than...wait for!! Such a wonderful thing! But not just eat anything! Eat popcorn! That's right! Joy and Juanita took Mateo and I to eat special popcorn - with all the flavours you can possibly imagine...and they were sooo tasty...I miss them really... Mateo bought one of the cheesy ones and I got the Badgers ones (Cinnamon and Vanilla)... And it was so hard to choose that I even got late to the CC practice afterwards...but all for a good reason so it's ok ;). That night we had a Spaghetti Supper at Nate Shreck's house: what an amazing house he has...All made of wood, next to a big river, a weight room inside, a giant TV (where we watched "300") and a hot tub outside...And that was the good part ehe - some of us asked him for trunks and got felt so nice... :)

On Thursday, I had my last Cross Country meet... Southwest Wisconsin Conference...! It was an awesome meet in Dodgeville. As a team we were 2nd both in girls and boys and I... improved my PR again and finished    in front of like 5 guys of whom I am usually behind...! Luckily, my knee didn't hurt during the whole race but afterwards...well, I had to walk on one leg only...or else, jump on one leg only... The award cerimony was kind of weird... Everyone was too cold to clap or do anything else but eat the enormous amount of cheese bars (which are very good, by the way - we don't really have that in Portugal, do we?) and pretzels...lots and lots and lots of pretzels...with shapes...aaahhh...! (Homer moment lol).

Dodgeville is near by so we only took about 35 minutes back and when we got to the school I went to the Gym to watch the Volleyball Conference game, against Lancaster. I didn't stay long because I had rehearsal for the musical but, although it was very tough game, our girls won...!

The day after, I had one more Mistery Run on CC, that of course didn't go very well because of my knee and at night we went to another Conference game - this time Football. As the girls, they played Lancaster but...they didn't do that good... Well, let's be honest...they were completely slaughtered... We cheered the whole game and we felt kind of sorry for them...these two teams were the only two undefeated teams...the game even went on Fox Sports News...! Anyway, the after-game was fun! Because Mateo and I went for the first time to Dairy Queen...(fast food, basically)! We waited a long time for some friends in this other friend's house and when we finally got there...I called my Host Mom and...we only had 30 minutes to be back of my sisters, her husband and her 3 kids were coming and we had to move to the basement because they were going to our room..and there was A LOT to do...not because the bedroom was untidy...! Nooo...! What are you thinking?? No, never. But, as I was saying, we only had half an hour so I asked for some fries and a Sunday with peanut butter and caramel (yhummy...!) and Mateo (remember we were in a hurry...) asked for a...burger...luckily the fast food was literally fast so we got home one minute before our deadline...50 mph...and I'm not gonna say anything else... Eventually, we moved everything we needed and slept in air matresses in the basement...while we were watching a movie, the "guests" arrived...we didn't yet know what was to come...

And I think that's all...finally.. Oh, no, that's right...! I almost forgot something veeeeeery important! This week we started playing Soccer in Team Sports won't believe this...I am the best player...yes, I, that guy whose only talent in Soccer is...none, am the best player... Who would say, huh? It's true that Soccer is not (at all) a big sport here Sure?? Yeah, I'm serious...Oh and you don't even imagine the freaking-out when I scored a goal with my head...! (pretty sure it was a close reaction to the one that certainly happened with this one ... pretty sure...ehe). Even Mr. Serres (the teacher) refers to me as "The Best Player"... Finally, my dream came true... Other masterpieces of soccer playing like Niccòlo Mazetti di Pietralata, Tomás Borges, Teacher Marcelão and...Gonçalo Sassetti (:p) should come here and experience for the first time the value of their great talent in this sport.

For a quick meditation I leave you with my Ode to Grinding

O amazing dance, how much you thrill me.

Since the first time I saw you I knew you would settle deep in my subconscious forever.

In my subconscious, yes: how many nightmares have I had with you o stunning form of…expression!

I can no longer be sure what I love the most: you or the extraordinary complexity and dreadful motionless beauty of minimal music…

O you that conceal the true identity of our beloved society, with its orgiastic ideals and concepts…

O you that manage to put rudeness in a simple dictionary whose only purpose is to define you.

O you indefinable…thing.

How can they call you dancing when you are just like the Washington Monument! He looks nothing like the guy…

Who wants to dance when they can grind...! Who wants to move around when they can simply rub against other people in this gigantic and sweaty line of disgustingness.

Thank you, o mighty modern man’s invention, for all that you take away from us, for ruining our dignity and decency.

For you are the most terrible thing I have ever seen. Thank you Grinding, for the dirtiness you brought before my eyes and that, unfortunately, I shall never forget.

Liked it? I hope so... I still haven't uploaded the pictures I know but you have to belive someday I will... And going back to Alice: "The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe that it is possible" ehe

P.S. - (You can now say "Off with his head" :p)

quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011

Pois...o meu relógio está...aaah...estragado...não funcemina, portanto

Isto é claramente uma questão cultural. Ou será geracional? Quando eu disse "amanhã", falava como uma criança terráquea (daí a culturalidade..sabe-se lá como é que as crianças verdes e esquisitas fazem...) quando por exemplo se refere a um acontecimento de há 5 meses como "ontem". Era na mesma onda. Não sei como é que não perceberam...é preciso explicar tudo também...

Não, agora a sério...o meu telemóvel estava sem bateria...e o meu computador está com falta de pilha no relógio...e eu não tenho bem noção do tempo...parece que foi ontem que vos escrevi...! Ha...ha...

Oh well, desculpem lá simplesmente não tive tempo. :) Estou perdoadíssimo, certo?

E "ontem" fiquei no Domingo...! Segunda feira começou a grande Homecoming Week! E foi mesmo grande, apesar de como as outras possuir apenas 6 dias...

O Homecoming é a celebração da reentrada nas aulas (sim, estes romanos, aaah americanos são loucos). Anyway, é sempre marcado numa semana em que haja um jogo de futebol americano fácil porque o dito é um dos pontos altos da semana e ninguém se quer dar ao luxo de perder...é muuuito embaraçoso...por isso é que neste caso só aconteceu um mês depois das aulas começarem.

Na semana do Homecoming cada dia é um dress-up day diferente. Na segunda-feira foi o Twin Day e eu e o meu bro Mateo orgulhosamente vestimos  t-shirt dos Wisconsin Badgers (equipa de futebol americano da universidade) e fomos todos catitas, que nem...capuchinhos vermelhos...apesar de a t-shirt ser branca...ok, isto hoe está mau...peço desculpa. Bem, a verdade é que toda a gente ia tão igual ao seu gémeo que ninguém diria que nós éramos gémeos...portanto quando alguém perguntava éramos gémeos, mas falsos. Simples...

Neste dia foi também a audição para o musical. Depois de um intenso treino de crosscountry e uma extensa lesão no mecanismo de dobragem do membro inferior constante do mesmo lado da extremidade do braço utilizada pela maioria da população humana para redigir - aka joelho direito - tive a sessão de danç a dançar Elvis Presley...foi deveras lindo. Não, mas agora a sério - era super complicado e não correu lá muito bem. Porém, a parte de cantar e de representar correu optimamente e a verdade é Sábado soube que consegui um papel principal...! O rapazinho chama-se Dean e está apaixonado pela Lorraine. Parece-me importante referir a parte do guião que diz: "Dean and Lorraine were making out, when suddenly Dean's mother appears...". Não perguntem...claro que é gira...mas mesmo assim...! Anyway, a seguir ao IMENSO  esforço  na audição...fui para a parte de trás da escola (onde já estava toda a gente) e onde se ia acender uma fogueira tamanho XXXL (não sei se apanham a ironia...). Só para verem até lá estavam os senhores bombeiros só para o caso de... Havia um DJ a passar música (nothing to do with our disco's music by the way), tudo no dancing e finalmente acendeu-se a dita...e cada vez o pessoal se afastava mais dela tal era o calor que aquele monstro emanava (eheh nem sabia que ainda conseguia mandar assim palavrinhas caras lol). A seguir foi anunciado o Homecoming Court, composto pelos Seniors (escolhidos pelos seus "colegas" - desculpe Stor Pedro) de entre os quais se havia de escolher no Baile suas Majestades o Rei e a Rainha. E para acabar em grande, esta musiquinha...é a lócura...

Na 3ª feira, era o dia da Favorite Rock Band e eu e o Yang (se é que se recordam dele do último post) resolvemos, porque ambos gostamos dos Queen, ir vestidos de...isso mesmo...Rainhas. Mas...o director não nos deixou e portanto o plano foi por água abaixo...pena, não é? Também acho. De qualquer forma, nesse dia quase não estive na escola porque fui para a Universidade do Wisconsin - Platteville para participar no UWP Honor Choir Festival. E foi espectacular. Este "festival" consiste no gathering (já nem sei a palavra em Português...) de rapazes e raparigas (e outros...isto aqui é impossível...) dos coros de várias high schools da região e pô-los a cantar com os coros da universidade - mas por géneros. Portanto, os rapazes cantam num coro só de homens e as ilustres elementas do sexo feminino, num só de senhoras (e os indecisos acho que podem escolher, não sei...jk). E tenho-vos a dizer que é brutal...tudo...! - a sonoridade, as pessoas, os maestros (um deles houve uma altura que disse "Agora aí nesse sítio não vão respirar, mas só antes da próxima frase. E sim...ponham-se a escrever...vocês são homens, vão-se esquecer...". Quem sabe, sabe...). Quando eu tiver acesso às gravações ponho aqui no blog. Garanto-vos que vão ficar impressionados. Além disso, quando chegámos, havia montões de donuts e sumos e outras "cenas" e portanto foi mesmo um bom dia para este português esfomeado...ehe. Ainda consegui pôr esta música na cabeça de toda a gente e enganar umas amigas minhas mais uma vez (já nem me lembro com o quê) e portanto já tenho fama de bom actor lol. Giro, giro foi ver uma velhota a tocar o acompanhamento a esta música no piano...admito que com todo o entusiasmo cheguei a achar que a senhora ia ter um AVC ou assim...não têm noção... (começa mais ou menos em 0:40).

No dia a seguir foi...TOGA DAY. Muito bom. Devíamos implementar isto em Portugal. Basicamente enrolei um lençol em minha volta à Romano e fui assim para a escola. E os todos os outros Seniors (12º) também, claro. Mesmo bacano. Mas não sei como é que os Romanos aguentavam...a meio do dia começa-lhe-se a dar as comichões (ao corpo, portanto) e é um vê-se-te-havias... E à tarde foi a famosa e tradicional do cross country em Platteville, Boxer Run... Um espectáculo. De boxers (ou melhor roupa interior), portanto. E nada mais. (mas calma, as meninas tinham t-shirts...a maior parte, pelo menos...). Corremos e depois fomos para umas bela de umas cascata tirar fotografias e foi mesmo giro! Até houve uma rapariga (que é americana, mas de origem turca e que me chama Portugal e portanto eu chamo-lhe Turkey...claramente...aha) que tem medo de ratos e que quando estava com mais umas outras numa gruta a tirar uma fotografia viu um...asustou-se e correu...e como é normal no Outono...tudo estava coberto de folhas...a questão é que tudo não era só chão...bem, foi só rir. Ao início ainda pensámos que ela se tinha magoado, mas estava safe and sound, só completamente encharcada. Muito bom! :D

Na quinta feira era o Decade Day mas eu tinha tanta coisa para fazer para as aulas que na quarta à noite não tive tempo de preparar as coisas portanto a versão oficial é esta "What decade are you in?" "Oh, me? I am a caveman...but I'm experiencing some identity problems..." O que acham? Bem jogado...? :p

Na 6ª feira foi um dia ainda mais diferente...! Tivémos horário reduzido porque houve uma Assembly chamada Pep Rally em que todos os alunos (Freshmen - 9º; Sophomores - 10º; Juniors - 11º; e Seniors - 12º) se reuniram no ginásio numa franca manifestação do que é o espírito Hillmen (a nossa alcunha). É impressionante o orgulho que, aqui nos EUA, todos TEMOS na nossa escola! Fizémos milhões de jogos super giros (tudo organizado pelo Student Council) e entre isso e os capitães das equipas de cada desporto a falarem sobre a época, os profs faziam os seus números...hilariante...cada ano fazem uma coisa diferente e desta vez fizeram vários cantores e bandas...bem, não têm noção...o meu prof de Pre-Calc a fazer de Lady Gaga...muito muito bom... E eu também participei num dos jogos.... Claramente que quando me chamaram só tive direito ao primeiro nome...óbvio... Mas foi deveras engraçado. Ora bem, éramos oito pessoas e dividiram-nos dois a dois e cada grupo tinha que representar uma coisa diferente (um filme de terror - que era eu e uma amiga minha -, um jackhammer - desculpem mas não sei traduzir -, um carro de F1 e montar um touro). Tudo muito bem...a questão é que disseram aos outros que nós íamos representar uma ida à casa de banho...sim, sim, gozem, gozem...aha.

Ainda nesse dia e depois do treino de Cross Country, foi o grande jogo de futebol - que ganhámos, oboviously - no campo da universidade aqui do sítio, com a participação da Banda da escola no intervalo e a GRANDE participação dos Seniors para formar a frase "Platteville Hillmen Homecoming 2011 :)!?", escrita com tinta nas suas barrigas.Provavelmente, e se são bons observadores, estarão intrigados com o ponto de interrogação (aka question mark)... Passo a explicar: não havia letra para o português... Mas como o português não queria ficar de fora e se chama Tomás Leitão (o que significa que de vez em quando lhe passam assim umas coisinhas más pela cabeça), resolveu ser um...ponto de interrogação, that's right - branco às pintinhas encarnadas...!. E assim foi (vou passar à frente a parte em que o ponto do ponto de interrogação se encontrava exactamente debaixo do meu umbigo o que significa que...aha). Depois de gritar "Question Mark" em mais ou menos todas as circunstâncias possíveis, tirar fotografias com imensa gente (e quando digo gente refiro-me a elementos dos sexo feminino, claramente) e ter que explicar a todas a razão da dita pontuação, e colar na cara autocolantes a dizer Homecoming 2011, ainda consegui levar de duas criancinhas irmãs de whoever, que engraçaram comigo, e resolveram pegar numa mão gigante feita de esferovite e efectuar o acto de atingir aqui o ilustre de maneira bastante devo ter cara de peluche com certeza... Bom, a verdade é que me diverti e à grande...! Apanhámos (eu e o Mateo) uma grande boleia da minha amiga Jaxin, com música mais que aos altos berros (se é que isso é possível), e por volta das 10 estávamos em casa (é tudo muito cedo aqui...). Mas ainda bem...! É verdade que tive uma "noite" fantástica dia a seguir às 5 tinha que me levantar por causa de um meet de Cross Country...!

Percebem agora por que é que não escrevi antes...?

Mas amigos: " Mais vale À tarde do que nunca".

To be continued...

quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011

Bla, bla, bla...

"Bla, bla, bla...he has a lot to do...always the same excuse.." .but I'm serious...I really haven't been able to write more often... I'm sorry. However, to compensate you I'm going to write a little bit of last week in English and tomorrow I'll write again, but in Portuguese. How does that sound? ("ghasgdfke...okay...whatever..." - great! I love you too :D ).

Well, since the last time I wrote, many things have happenned...I mean, not many things...some things...ok, very few things...alright, nothing really happenned...when I was asleep, of course...because while awake I have been experiencing some of the best days of my life...! And I'm so happy...! (though missing you guys, but there's nothing I can do about it, so I'd better concentrate in what I CAN do, which is have a great time!).

Anyway, last Tuesday, right after the day I posted my last text, I had my 2nd X-Country meet, this time in Richland Center. I didn't do especially well but I got to run for the first time in what the coach called some pretty real hills...and indeed I can confirm, speaking for my legs: they were quite real... The bus trips to and from Richland Center were also loads of fun...! We were all the time recalling Disney movies and singing them (what does this remember me of, dear blue scarfed guys ad girls...?)...and in Portuguese too...! I had to show them our wonderful voiceovers...aha.

The rest of the week didn't have anything special...I started writing a ballad for CW named "The Ballad of 'The Return of Those Who Never Went'" (and this was in your honor, 12A), I had one more Pre-Calc quiz and...nothing else, I think.

Talking of Pre-Calc, I don't know if I told you already I am now know as Sir Nigel of Bollingsworth, because of my British accent, and there is another guy in this class (Alex Schlueter) who is known as Mackenzie...because of his australian can now clearly imagine our math classes... :p

In other occasions I am also known as Yin. And why? Because, along with David Ababio (a friend of mine from Ghana), I am part of the Yin-Yang. I'll explain: I'm Yin 'cause I'm white and he's Yang 'cause his black...! However, I also have a black circle in me and he has a white circle in him. It's a bromance ahaha.

Oh...and I almost forgot...I invited a girl for Homecoming...! Can't reveal the identity...I'm sorry fellows...muahaha ;)

Also last week, on Thursday night, the X-Country team had dinner at Mr. Serres's (the coach) house - which by the way was really fun, although I felt kind of inferior when all the guys started to play Guitar Hero in a certainly alien, unhuman and whatever else you wanna call it, WOOW fast...that destroys every guys self-esteem...

This Spaghetti Supper, as it was called, preceeded the great Platteville Invitational on Saturday! On Friday, we got everything ready and...I...I had to carry the USA flag to the warehouse on the course...this is high-treason...I know...I kept looking up to see if there was already a Portuguese Air Force plane ready to eliminate the threat...anyway, they probably missed me...because I'm small and stuff...but I still feel really bad...and the flag too...I mean, the eagle on the top miraculously got broken...I didn't do it, Mr. Obama... Despite all these "terrible" things, the Invitational was awesome...! And...I improved my Personal Record in one minute! I'm really happy...! (part of me, at knee has been somewhat grouchy these last few days...).

And the weekend was full of sports. College football and Baseball on Saturday, NFL on Sunday, me trying do some...archery...(the bow was made for killing dears so you can't imagine the tension in it...impossible, if you ask me...). My teams all won, and that is the most important thing.

(I also got on time to church for the first time....! Hurray!! just saying... ;) )

This week has been pretty busy...and fun. You'll get to know my adventures tomorrow...I bet you can't wait aha.

Today, a quote from a great mind, Steve Jobs. Someone who changed our world and just left it, today. Let's remember him:

"We dont't get a chance to do that many things, and everyone should be really excellent. Because this is our life, life is brief, and then you die...You know? And we have all chosen to do this with our lives. So it better be damn good, it better be worth it" [Steve Jobs to his employees in Apple].

I don't really agree with the first part of the first sentence (I wonder why...), so I leave you another one quote, also by him:

"Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Thank you and good bye."